The beginning of their love story part seven
The beginning of their love story, part six
E: I need to know the truth. When you broke Jeremy’s neck, did you know that he was wearing the ring?
D: No. No, I didn’t. Katherine really pissed me off. And I snapped, and… I don’t know what I would’ve done if he wasn’t wearing it. Elena, I’m sorry.
E: Thank you for being honest with me. And the answer to your question, about our friendship? Is yes. You have lost me forever...
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grab my bags and go
the beginning of their love story, part five
“You have every right to hate me. I understand. But you hated me before and we became friends. It would suck, if that was gone forever.
So.. is it?
Have I lost you forever?" ...
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the beginning of their love story, part four
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the beginning of their love story, part three
Whats going on in here? Nothing jeremy it's okey, just go back to bed. No it's not okej elena, he wants to be a vampire. *Hands around Jeremy's throat* No Damon stop it. You wanna shut out the pain? It's the easiest thing in the world. And the part of you that cares it just goes away… All you have to do is flip the switch and snap *breaks his neck* Noooooo
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the beginning of their love story, part two
Have you been drinking? And your upset, thats not a good combination. No im not upset, upset is a emotion specific to those how care. Come on thats a lie, you care. You are surprised that i though you would kiss me back, you cant imagine that i tought that you wanted to. That what we have been doing here mean something. Your are a liar Elena, there is something going on beetween the two of us and you now it, and you lying to me and you lying to Stefan and most of all you are lying to your self. I can prove it. *Kiss* No, Damon dont. Whats wrong with you. Lie about this. Stop it, you are better than this come on. That's where you're wrong. *almost kiss* No, no Damon i care about you. I do but, i love Stefan..
its always going to be Stefan.
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The best scene so far, its sad but i love it ♥